about the website

I started dreaming up this website when I was at my loneliest. At this time, I was playing old girly PC games to soothe the ache.

I found (and still find) it difficult to live without a witness. It had struck me when I was cleaning up my hard drive that I would like to know if there was anyone who remembered me, as I had remembered them, no matter how brief our encounter.

Of course, memories aren't whole, they're fragments. As shallow as it is, this was my best attempt at recreating the blurry and unreliable nature of memory through using a different photograph for each draggable element, so that none of them will ever fit exactly right. Not all of the photographs featured here were taken by other people, so they're inevitably biased.

Please enjoy this website — whether as something to pass the time, a graveyard full of ghosts, a keepsake for our past, a reminder of a funny story, or simply as a dress-up game.

I have lived many lifetimes.

Just like you, I'm always a different person depending on where I am and what others need me to be.

I want to know how the people in my life remember me, and then maybe we can reminisce our past lives together.

Maybe you can vaguely remember the details of how I wore my hair, the types of shoes I used to gravitate towards, the smile that I tend to smile. Maybe we've never met in real life, or perhaps we were once part of each others' routines.

I haven't seen most of my friends in a while. We have all evolved in each other's absences, and I find that those changes take a while to adjust and settle in our brains.

Our memories and perceptions of each other aren't constantly being updated, and I'd like to honor that.

Even though you see me with different makeup and outfits online, there exists another version in your mind (some images stick with you longer, after all).

Instead of perpetually trying to reconcile the image I have of myself and how other people perceive me, I'd like to learn to let go of the need to control my narrative and come to terms with different versions of me existing out there.

I miss all of you